Saturday, May 28, 2011


I have never ever like the taste of Oatmeal. But recently I got to know that Oatmeal is very very health to body and of cause a must for diet plan. So I want to get a Oatmeal when next time I go for grocery shopping. According to the research that i did, Oatmeal is really taste yuck just like that. To make it taste more interesting u can add on many other ingredients. I have did a little research online about why Oatmeal is good and how to make it taste nicer. 

  1. Over 40 studies show that eating oatmeal may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. According to Quaker, all it takes is 3/4 cup of oatmeal each day to help lower cholesterol. The soluble fiber in oats helps remove LDL or "bad" cholesterol, while maintaining the good cholesterol that your body needs. In January 1997, the Food and Drug Administration announced that oatmeal could carry a label claiming it may reduce the risk of heart disease when combined with a low-fat diet.
  2. You probably already have oats in your kitchen. It's estimated that eighty percent of U.S. households currently have oats in their cupboards.
  3. New research suggests that eating oatmeal may reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes. In fact, the American Diabetes Association already recommends that people with diabetes eat grains like oats. The soluble fiber in these foods help to control blood glucose levels.
  4. With the exception of certain flavored varieties, the oats found in your grocery store are 100% natural. If you look at the ingredients on a canister of rolled oats, you will usually see only one ingredient... rolled oats.
  5. According to recent studies, a diet that includes oatmeal may help reduce high blood pressure. The reduction is linked to the increase in soluble fiber provided by oatmeal. Oats contain more soluble fiber than whole wheat, rice or corn.
  6. New research suggests that eating oatmeal may reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes. In fact, the American Diabetes Association already recommends that people with diabetes eat grains like oats. The soluble fiber in these foods help to control blood glucose levels.
  7. Oatmeal contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidantsand is a good source of protein, complex carbohydrates and iron.
  8. The fiber and other nutrients found in oatmeal may actually reduce the risk for certain cancers.
  9. Oatmeal is quick and convenient. Every type of oatmeal can be prepared in a microwave oven. Even when cooked on the stovetop, both old-fashioned and quick oats can usually be made in less than 10 minutes. And what about instant oatmeal… a hot breakfast in under a minute... incredible!
  10. Oatmeal can be absolutely delicious! Whether instant, cooked on the stove or baked in the oven, the combination of flavors you can fit into a serving of oatmeal is limited only by the imagination. Visit Mr Breakfast's Oatmeal Collection to see just 60 of the ways you can start to enjoy oatmeal today!

  1. Add fresh or frozen fruit. Sliced bananas are particularly good. A little fistful of frozen blueberries not only add flavor to instant oatmeal, but your mouth will marvel over the inviting temperature / texture differential when you bite into each little berry.
  2. Add dried fruit such as raisins, dried cranberries, dried cherries, dates or sweetened shredded coconut.
  3. Add chopped nuts like walnuts or almonds. Finely chopped nuts can create a tasty crumbled topping.
  4. Add a tablespoon or two of your favorite granola. Mushy boring oatmeal is yesterday's business. Today you can easily add a delightful crunch to any bowl of oatmeal.
  5. Add a dribble of pure delicious maple syrup.
  6. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Never be afraid of more flavor.
  7. Add a little dollop of yogurt. Flavored yogurts add taste and all yogurts add a smooth creamy texture.
  8. Crush a little handful of your favorite dry breakfast cereal onto your oatmeal. Cap'n Crunch oatmeal anyone?
  9. Stir in a couple teaspoons of your jam or fruit preserves and turn your oatmeal into a fruity fiesta bowl.
  10. Add a single tablespoon of ice cream to your oatmeal. Your mouth will go crazy with pleasure as the cool ice cream mingles with the warm oats.
And i wan to get some healthy snack bars and cereal too... 

PS: Pray for my diet. =)

Friday, May 27, 2011


【经典!】@小S 说:







Monday, May 23, 2011



Friday, May 20, 2011

我家miu miu

在一两个礼拜以前,我带了我家miu miu 去看了医生。


Friday, May 13, 2011



刚从外地回港的陈均平(陈伟霆 饰)及其现任女友阿诗(诗雅 饰),在机场巧遇前度女友──周怡(锺欣桐 饰)。周怡与旅行作家阿树(周俊伟 饰)正准备出发前往长途旅行,却发生争执闹至分手。为这次旅行而下定决心辞职、退掉公 寓的周怡,一时无家可归,获对她念念不忘的陈均平和其女友阿诗收留。周怡前往二人的新 居暂住,发现眼前追求物质生活的陈均平,早已不是曾经拥有梦想,一起共渡患难的陈均平 。唯一不变的,是陈均平对周怡这位曾经分分合合,纠缠多年的前度思念如昔,始终没有放 低过。
周怡无法与现任情人阿树结伴前往旅行,却寄居前度情人的新居,短短两天内, 面对新居中熟悉的一事一物,处处勾起周怡与过往前度的回忆,30小时,回顾六年来的爱 情游历。
在和陈均平分手後,她遇上为她治疗失恋情伤的医生(杜汶泽 饰),也爱过刺激浪漫的古惑仔阿升(向佐 饰),有些人在她生命中仅短暂停留却刻骨铭心,有些人守候在身边却浑然不觉,就像陈均 平的死党阿苏(曾国祥 饰),见证著周怡与陈均平的几度复合与分手,只是默默地以朋友的身分守护著二人。
每一次分手都是遇上下一位的机会,每一次错误结合令大家成为「前度」。可是周怡与陈均 平又再共处一室,连番斗气却又极具默契,明明关系亲密却又刻意保持距离,二人曾经相爱 的证据一一涌现,多年来纠缠累积的思念瞬间爆发,但陈均平的身边却早已有感情稳定的女 友阿诗。一直表现大方的阿诗把一切看在眼里,只觉二人似有旧情复炽迹象,终鼓起勇气要 求周怡离开,周怡故作洒脱拉著行李撤退,阿苏受陈均平委托前往照顾周怡,将她送往酒店 暂住。周怡的作家男友阿树此时却回港,要求与周怡重新开始
在颠簸的爱情路上来回折返的周怡,获得过快乐,学习过悲伤,不停成为别人的前度,也从 每一个前度身上经历成长。每一个承诺过要带周怡往旅行的人,始终无法结伴同行,她发现 自己需要选择的不是和谁去旅行,而是选择开展新的生活,最後,周怡决定一个人,踏上她 期待以久的旅途。

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Here to clean my blog ^^

Such a long time i have never write a new post ady. I have been too busy for my studies. Oh ya... the purpose of this blog is to show my latest toy. =D I did mention abt the necklace tat i want to get so much in last few post. But for the first time i visit the store (sunway one XD) and the sale girl told me that the price is abt rm260 and i didnt make the order at tat moment. But second time when i get ready de money want to buy it, the sale boy (different people) told me tat it is about rm300. OMG. I feel like why? R u trying to cheat or what. So I have give up tat store n try to search online. yea. i did find one of the online store and it is half price of it. Haha.. i decided to get it immediately. This is the first time i purchase something online (of course exclude those ticket and reload coupon). AND i get the necklace today ady. Really cant wait to wear it. Well.. the size is ok... it is bling and shinny. But the thickness is just too thin. Is like can just bent it if u dun put too many strength. I need to extra take care of it... But it is still nice anyway.... :)